5. Utility Library - turn page - Table of Contents

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Reference List Utility Library

Display_Data &Dat(,),Dat_W,Dat_S,&Col(),Ix,Iy,Iw,Ih,X,Y,W,H
Dat(,) The field which should be displayed.
Dat_W Number of field elements per row.
Dat_S Number of bytes one field element occupies.
Col() This field must contain a color table.
Ix,Iy,Iw,Ih These four parameters define a sub field of Dat(,).
X,Y,W,H These parameters determine the destination rectangle on the active graphics port.
Display colored data.
Easy_Alert Defaultbutton,Boxstring$[,R Button]
Defaultbutton The number of the button which can be triggered by pressing the [Return] key.
Boxstring$ This string defines the characteristics of the alert box.
Button The number of the button, with which the box was exited.
Display an alert box.
Easy_Fsel R Fsspec$,R Reply$,Titel$,R Sel
Fsspec$ Default name and/or FileSpecificationRecord.
Reply$ File type list and/or FileReplyRecord.
Titel$ Titel of the fileselect box.
Sel Choosing the fileselect box type and/or information about the way of canceling.
Display fileselect box.
Get_Mouse R Mouse_X,R Mouse_Y
Mouse_X X-position of the mouse.
Mouse_Y Y-position of the mouse.
Returns the mouse position.
Pick_Color X,Y,Prompt$,Color_In,Color_Out,R Button
X X-position of the upper left corner of the box.
Y Y-position of the upper left corner of the box.
Prompt$ Titel of the dialog box.
Color_In Index of the input color.
Color_Out Index of the output color.
Button Information about the way of canceling.
Display the color picker dialog box.
Set_Cursor Cursor_No
Cursor_No Number of the desired cursor shape.
Set shape of mouse cursor.

Utility Library - turn page - Table of Contents

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